Restaurant waitress serving table with food

Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Certified Food Handler in Austin, Texas

If you want to prepare or handle food in a food service business in Austin, Texas, the Texas Department of State Health Services requires you to complete a food handler training course. Knowing you’ll need to study to obtain employment in this industry can be daunting, but you’ll be pleased to know that becoming a…

Bartender Pouring Tequila Shots Has TABC Permit

Is It Worth Getting Your TABC Certification?

Life gets busy, and you might feel like you don’t have the time or motivation to undertake extra activities like studying. Why bother setting aside free time to achieve something like the TABC Certification if it’s not compulsory? While obtaining your TABC certificate in Texas isn’t obligatory, it can be worth working toward for some…

Servers bringing beer & food have Food Handlers Cards & TABC Permits
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Which Businesses Require TABC and Food Handler Certifications?

When you apply for a job in Texas involving food or alcohol service – or both – you might be asked by a prospective employer whether you have your Food Handlers Certification or TABC Certification. If you’re new to Texas or the job market, you might be unsure what these certifications are, whether you need…

Food Preparer Has Texas Food Handlers Permit

5 Most Common Food Safety Myths

Many people enter the food industry with preconceived ideas about food safety. You might have learned cooking techniques from friends or family or read tips and tricks on the internet. While the internet is an excellent source of information, not everything you read about food preparation and food safety will be entirely accurate. While you…

Server Serving Alcohol Needs TABC Permit

A Guide to Safe Alcohol Service In Texas

Alcohol laws in Texas can be complex. They vary from state to state, and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) imposes harsh fines and penalties for people who break the laws and rules – whether they mean to or not. If you’re thinking about securing a job in the alcohol service industry, or you’re not…

Waitress Gets Texas Food Handlers Card and TABC Certification in Houston
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Why Having Food Handlers’ & TABC Certification in Houston Is Helpful

If you’ve been applying for food and beverage service industry jobs in Houston, Texas, you might have noted a requirement from many employers for TABC and food handlers’ certificates. While you might have ample experience in the industry, many employers can overlook experience in favor of education and certification. But why is having food handlers…

Dallas Bartender Got TABC Certification & Texas Food Handlers Card
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Why Dallas Seller/Servers Need TABC & Food Handlers Certifications

Qualifications and certifications are legal requirements and employer requirements of many jobs, and seller/server jobs are no different. Many hospitality businesses might require their seller/servers to obtain not only their TABC permit but also their food handlers certification.   But why are Dallas seller/servers required to have them? Can you not hire people based on…

2 Bartenders in Austin TX Need TABC Certifications

How Having a TABC Certification in Austin Is Beneficial

Realizing you’ll need to undertake a course to be considered for a food and beverage service job in Austin and other parts of Texas can be frustrating. However, being the best server you can be in a bar, restaurant, café, or another alcohol-selling establishment can often require further education. Fortunately, obtaining your TABC certification in…

Waiter With Two Plates Got Online Certifications for TABC and TX Food Handlers

Best Skills for Food Handlers to Have in the Hospitality Industry

Food handlers and restaurant workers have a very important job to do. They must prepare and serve food to paying customers while ensuring the food and the environment in which they’re eating are safe and hygienic. As a result, most bar and restaurant owners take great care in hiring workers they believe have the necessary…

Waitress Took Online Texas Food Handlers Course

Vital Skills You’ll Learn During An Online Texas Food Handlers Card Course

When the Texas Department of State Health Services approved a regulation to make food handler certification a part of Texas Food Establishment Rules in 2015, many hospitality industry workers became nervous. Having to study to receive a certification of any kind can be daunting, especially if it has been a long time since you joined…