
How to Renew a TABC Certification

When your employer requires you to have TABC certification, you want to ensure it’s valid at all times. After all, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission enables some business owners to qualify for safe harbor in the event of selling to minors or intoxicated customers if they meet particular criteria – with TABC certification being one…


How Long Does TABC Certification Take?

When you think about studying, you might imagine lengthy courses where you’re required to pore over paperwork for days, weeks, and months on end. Therefore, when you’re asking the question: How long does TABC certification take? You may expect the same answer. The reality of a TABC certification timeline can be much different. You can…


What’s the Difference Between a TABC Certification and a TABC License?

The Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC) is a government agency that most Texas business owners selling alcohol will be familiar with. The agency is responsible for regulating the alcoholic beverage industry, including sales, taxes, importation, manufacturing, and more. While you might be familiar with who they are and what they do, do you know the…

What Kind of Questions Are on the TABC Test

What Kind of Questions Are on the TABC Test?

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) certification test is an essential component for anyone in Texas looking to work in an environment where alcoholic beverages are sold or served. Whether you’re a bartender, a waiter, a retail associate at a liquor store, or any role in between, passing this test and getting your TABC certification…

What are the New Alcohol Laws in Texas 2023

What are the New Alcohol Laws in Texas 2023?

Every year, lawmakers evaluate and make necessary amendments to existing statutes, and the world of alcoholic beverages is no exception. Given the dynamic nature of the hospitality industry and changing societal norms, it’s crucial to stay updated on any modifications to alcohol-related laws. As we navigate 2023, Texas and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC)…

How Do You Get Your TABC License in Houston,Texas

How Do You Get Your TABC License in Houston, Texas?

If you’re aiming to work in a role that involves the selling or serving of alcoholic beverages in Houston, Texas, then it’s imperative to be well-versed with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) certification requirements. Often referred to as the ‘TABC license,’ this certification ensures that sellers and servers are adequately trained to handle alcohol…

Can You Bartend Without a License in Texas

Can You Bartend Without a License in Texas?

The great state of Texas, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant nightlife, often sparks a unique question for those looking to join the ever-thriving hospitality industry: “Do I need a license to bartend in Texas?” This is an especially pertinent query for aspiring bartenders looking to work in the bustling bars, clubs,…